Rebecca Hamlin is an experienced freelance artist and designer. With a background in fine art, Hamlin made the transition to scenic design upon completing graduate school. Im addition to scenic design, she does fine art, commissioned artwork, graphic design and occasional teaching.
Q What makes Chicago’s art scene special?
"Chicago is a city that respect authenticity and honesty. You see it in all the arts. That allows me to do my work without respect to fashion or fads. Criticism is done fairly and artists of all kinds challenge each other to do their best work." Q How do you feel you have enhanced the art community in Chicago? "I hope I have been a good collaborator and a supportive colleague. I have also proven that we can jump categories as artists and go where chance and passion lead us." |
"How much do we project onto and anthropomorphize non-human beings in order to hold a mirror to our longing to relate to nature?” - Rebecca Hamlin |